Friday, October 17, 2008


Today does not seem to be my day. It is a perfect day outside, mid seventies, sunny, lightest of breezes. Nice. Plus it is Friday and it's is my day off.

Now the bad parts. It actually isn't my day off, because I got called in extra. That's alright, I can use the hours. I do need to mow the lawn before I go to work though. Now work is beginning to cramp my style. Not cool. To pacify my frustration, I decided to take the bike out for a spin. Like I said, the weather is incredible.

Steve-o hid the keys. He's onto me. damn damn damn damn. So not only can I not ride when I really really really want to, but there is a huge buck standing next to my garage as I type this mocking me. I can't do anything about it either, because the bow is now upstairs in my fortress of solitude. I've been stalking a certain wile coyote that has been bothering the horses recently. So unless I hotwire the old man's bike, or take out this rude deer with a screwdriver, nothing is going my way at the moment.

I want to cry. Instead I get to mow the lawn.

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