Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On Appearances

It is a sad fact that it doesn't really matter if you wear a suit and tie and nice shoes, people will still look at you like you're a psychopath if you happen to have a mohawk and tattoos on the side of your head. On a somewhat related note, maybe I shouldn't have shaved my hair into a mohawk and gotten my skull tattooed a few days before an important job interview.
Live and learn.

Regardless, life is good out here on the Best Coast, Marissa Kay is due to arrive in a matter of days, because she's coming to visit for an indefinite amount of time, because she is a true friend. So take that fake friends who have never visited here once. You're stupid heads. Life is also good because I purchased a 9 dollar hammock from Wal-Mart, and have discovered that I very much enjoy the act of hammocking (it's a verb, look it up). At least, I like it if the wind doesnt rise and start me a-swinging, 'cause then I get scared and covered from eyebrows to toenails in vomit. It's my vomit.

Yesterday I got home after a long day of work with big plans to hammock the shit out of said device, but instead found Drewmate, and Trevor the shed-dweller (did I tell you Trevor moved into our shed? aka the guest cottage? If I didn't, remind me, i'll tell you about that later) were out in the back yard, a very leaf and debris free back yard might I add, although still covered in Hank poos, he's like a faucet of dung, playing some catch with the football so I of course had to join.

It was fun. And feeling all manly and testosteronified afterward, I did some research online and discovered that Bend has a Semi-Pro football team, the High Desert Lightning. I will try out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOAHHHH Buy this Bike!!!!