Sunday, March 15, 2009

It puts the lotion on the skin

I'm toeing the line of financial ruination. Using the last of my money bits I bought a plane ticket to Connecticut instead of paying next months rent and car payments and insurance and child support. I'm hoping that upon my arrival my friends will be so overcome with happiness at my triumphant return to be with them that they will donate generously to the Max fund to tide me over on my bills until I receive another paycheck.

Knowing them, they'll probably just stand by and laugh as I shame spiral to the poor house. Well guess what you bastards, if i'm going down i'm bringing you with me, and I'll get Falcone, you know he's got all those chemicals and shit, he can do long term damage.

But now for the IMPORTANT NEWS (Newsnewsnewsnewsnewsnews....)
Blockbusterrrrr, in townnnnnn, is selling used DVDs for 2 dollars each! I went craaaaAAAAAaaazy!

I bought 4.

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