Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day 9: Gnarkill is the Ultimate band

Steve-o left today. Back to California for the next month or so. He did not say goodbye. After work, I stole his bike again to celebrate my new freedom. I didn't get a mile before he called yelling at me. How did he know?

I think Jami is a Narc.

Properly chastised, I returned home to the ranch where I lay out in the meadow to watch the clouds. They were of the small and puffy variety. Naturally I fell asleep, and naturally the clouds immediately concentrated on my area, turned pitch black and dumped rain on me. It rained in the desert.

Not to be discouraged, I dried off and waited for the weather to turn. While waiting for the rain to stop, I got a call about a job I had applied for giving rock climbing lessons. I can't imagine I'd make any money, but that could be fun. I shall think on it.

After the sun came back, I wandered outside to befriend the horses. I had no melon or apples, true delicacies in the horse world, but I offered them a banana. They refused. I insisted. They snorted their displeasure. I farted in their faces. They took offense. They stampeded. I ran away. Stupid snooty horses.

Since Jami is at work tonight, and its too wet to do the poker run with the MOB boys I will spend the rest of my evening writing my nerd novel. I fear soon I will have less of an opportunity, on account of my imminent employment. It's for the best, I have been reduced to returning beer bottles for pocket change.

So, so hungry.

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