Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cold in the Desert

Its cold in the desert. It would appear our record-setting stretch of warm weather has come to an end. A heavy fog came in overnight, along with sub-freezing temperatures. Driving to work this morning everything had a glossy coat of silver frost, which created a strange monochromatic dream world in the thick fog. Since I got back from my shift, I have succumbed to a lunch-induced itis and now lounge on the couch coated in peanut butter drippings and queso cheese salsa wearing a too-small tshirt and undies that should have been retired long ago. Truly I am garbage. I hope that in time my self loathing will overcome my lethargy and I will depart the fortress of solitude to run some errands and follow up on some job applications I have submitted. The monetary situation has grown bleak. If I do not find gainful employment full time soon, I will be unable to last past march or maybe april in keeping up with my bills. Should this be the case, I would most likely return to my beloved Connecticut. Unless a new adventure comes to mind of course. Drums. Drums in the deep.

Note: The title "The Holy Babble" had tickled my fancy as a potential monicker for what has until now been dubbed the nerd novel but unfortunately I discovered that a book by that name already exists. Now I need a new idea. Discuss.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Hey Max - if you want to write for a living (because it's fun and can be profitable), check out
You can apply to be a free-lance writer and if accepted, you can submit articles weekly and they go live on the internet. I was just accepted and it's pretty cool. I have also submitted to several other legitimate sites that pay real money, but I haven't heard from them yet. Email me if you want more information, but I think you have a flair for writing and even though the online stuff is newsy and research based, it can pay the bills. Take care. JoAnn